Living at Brooks

While Brooks enjoys a pastoral setting overlooking Lake Cochichewick, it's anything but sleepy. The active campus remains bustling at all hours of the day and into the night as students from all over the United States, and the world, come together as one community.

In the last five years, Brooks has enrolled students hailing from 31 states and 23 countries. In a single dorm, you might find a freshman from Germany, Hong Kong or Japan, or a senior from California, Texas or Wisconsin.


boarding students
live on campus

A full 70 percent of students live at Brooks, some from neighboring communities, others from across the globe.


faculty members
live on campus

Dorm parents regularly serve up home-cooked meals, play games, and hang out with the boarders in their dorm.


countries represented
by boarding students

Members of Brooks' current school community hail from Africa, Asia, Europe and other regions.


on campus

From decorating their rooms to studying with friends, students feel comfortable, safe, and happy living at Brooks.


Open House on Campus


Activities Abound

Day students are welcome and included in the activities offered to our boarders — and there are many. During the week students bustle classes to afternoon activities. On weekends, they enjoy trips to restaurants, to the movies and to local malls, as well as gathering with friends for campus parties and activities planned by our active (and really creative!) Community Activities Board. Some highlights? Foam dances, bubble soccer games, trips to go indoor surfing, calzones at the Head of School's house, paint nights, our annual "Paint Dance" and Brookstock, our Woodstock — Brooks-style.


Boarding students quickly bond with their classmates in the dorm. After check-in at 11 p.m. on Saturday nights, for example, dorm parents host parties for residents, giving boarders the chance to relax and gather together for ice cream sundaes, doughnuts, and other treats. One of the highlights of our annual Field Day is the competitions between the dorms. 

Surrounded by Support

Dorm parents play a special role in the lives of Brooks boarders, serving as a touchstone and mentor — while also teaching in the classroom and coaching after school. Dorm parents often make homemade treats from Buffalo wings to brownies for the boarders living with them. At least two faculty members live in each residence, and dorm prefects are appointed to work with the younger students and help them feel welcome as they adjust to living away from home.


The dorms are also a place to study and learn. On weeknights and Sunday evening, dorms are quiet for study hours between 8 and 10 p.m. Third-formers have assigned study hall in the Science Forum. For more information about the rules and guidelines at Brooks School, see our Student Handbook. Most fourth- and fifth-formers study in the dorm and sixth-formers are free to study outside of the dorm.

Array of Options

Every year, students have the opportunity to live in a new dorm, if they choose. Each house offers a mix of single and double rooms. The school has 10 dormitories, five each for girls and boys, and a place for everyone.

"At Brooks, it feels like the students are all part of a family. Because you go to school, and live, with the same set of kids, it makes you overlook any of your differences and come together as one Brooks family." 

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