Campus Highlights

Get a snapshot of what's happening on campus at Brooks throughout the year!

On December 19, the campus community celebrated our annual Lessons and Carols service, followed by a formal dinner and advisory group photo shoot. Happy holidays! 

On December 15, Brooks celebrated our annual winter concert featuring Jazz Band, Advanced Jazz Band, Chorus and Chamber Orchestra, plus a combined holiday-themed number at the end featuring all these groups plus our two rock bands!

Olympic rower and bronze medal winner Henry Hollingsworth '17 shared the story of his road to the Olympics — and offered Brooks students words of wisdom — during a visit to campus on October 21. (Read the transcript).

Then Acting Head of School Nina Freeman shared the annual State of the School Chapel talk on October 5.

Wakeman Gribbell '26 Chapel Speech on September 30.

September 2024: Watch Honors Algebra 2 students try to break out of Dr. Davis’s class using only their wits as weapons!

Lydia Tangney '25 was the first student of the year to speak in Chapel, offering her experience at school and advice to new students, on September 9.

Leo Charlamb '26 captured all the fun of Brooks' September 6 evening Field Day in this video.

Acting Head of School Nina Freeman welcomed new students and families on September 5.

Last school year . . . 

Highlights from spring musical, Six: Teen Edition!

Brooks School's annual music festival featured rock bands (plus festival chorus, jazz bands and chamber orchestra) performing the evening of May 18.

Bravo, Brooksians! Student musicians performed during our annual recital, held this year in the Robert Lehman Art Center gallery on May 19.

Students shared their favorite Winter Term class memories during the Winter Term Symposium on January 20, 2024!

Sing along with one of the songs from the Winter Concert on December 10!

On November 9, the fall musical Footloose opened a three-night run in the Center for the Arts.

On November 3, the campus community celebrated Beloved Community Day! 

Highlights from crew at Brooks School! (Video by Leo Charlamb '26 and Cheng Zhuang '25).

On October 20 students treated guests at Family Weekend to their "Arts in Progress" concert in the Center for the Arts.

On October 21, john Packard shared his State of the School update with parents/guardians on campus for Family Weekend.

On October 5, Andrea Heinze was given The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS) annual Burch Ford Kaleidoscope Award that recognizes three professionals each year, who have exemplified commitment, creativity and excellence in the area of Student and Residential Life!

Mid-Autumn Festival dumplings on September 29.

Students browsed through the school's annual club fair on September 18. This year, there were nearly 40 groups to consider joining!

Graduation 2023 was held May 28-29. See all the details, photos and livestream recording of speeches on our Commencement Weekend page. Congratulations, class of 2023! 

Cheng Zhuang '25 and Daniel Reyes '23 performed a piano recital in the Center for the Arts theater on May 28.

Inspired by a gratitude-themed Chapel talk, Leah Chen '25 created this video about gratitude with students and teachers sharing their thankfulness for loved ones.

Brooks Arts Cabaret on April 21 featured Advanced Rock Band + Advanced Jazz Band + Chamber Orchestra + Festival Chorus + Advanced Performance.

See highlights from our first Beloved Community Day on March 31, featuring guest speakers Dr. Pascale Losambe and painter/performer Shelby Myerhoff.

View highlights from the school's annual Wilder Speaking Prize contest, held on March 3 in the Center for the Arts.

Students gave guests at the school's annual Boston Reception a sneak peek of some of the performances in the winter musical "Chicago" on February 2.

Scenes from our annual Lessons and Carols celebration on December 15.

During Family Weekend (Oct. 7-8), Brooks School's college counseling office welcomed Rhodes College Vice President of Enrollment Gil Villanueva to speak to families.

During Family Weekend (Oct. 7-8), Brooks School's college counseling office spoke with parents and guardians about the process their students will be going through at Brooks.

Head of School John Packard shared his annual State of the School update with parents and guardians during Family Weekend on Oct. 8.

Boarding students competed in the first-its-kind dorm clean-up and theme-show competition, judged by Head of School John Packard and Assistant Head of School Nina Hanlon, on September 30. Here are some highlights from the wacky festivities!

The 2022-2023 school prefects introduced themselves at school meeting September 16 with a special video!

Watch Head of School John Packard demonstrate the Hello Campaign with Head Prefect Laura Kahu '22 in school meeting on September 16.

Students celebrated opening weekend with a "Wild West" party and our annual field day on September 10-11. See the photos!

Team building to start off the school year! While the class of 2023 kicked off their college counseling program, other classes participated in activities outside. See all the photos