Excited shouts and laughter spilled out of room 207 in the academic building on Friday evening, as students in the "Gaming Unplugged" Winter Term course showed classmates how to play board games they'd created.
View photos and videos from all of the Winter Term classesDownstairs, audio of a podcast that "Crime Junkies" students made as part of their class filled room 103 and tempted curious passersby to step in and discover the mysteries that the Brooks detectives solved during the past few weeks.
And all the while, upstairs, a full-on performance played out in the writing center as "Still Waters: Creative Writing Workshop" wordsmiths stepped up to the microphone to read aloud pieces they'd penned before a rapt audience.
The halls were alive the evening of January 21 at Brooks for the school's annual Winter Term symposium, when each of the classes hosts an open house to show off all they've learned and created during Brooks' intensive, one-course program.
Learn more about Winter Term at BrooksTwenty-seven classes took up residence in various parts of campus to show short films they'd produced, projects they'd created and demonstrate pottery techniques, suture skills, sewing know-how, and more. Students, faculty and employees wandered throughout the academic building, Lehman Art Center and the Center for the Arts theaters and studios taking it all in.
Due to COVID-19 spread precautions, guests were not permitted to attend the festivities this year, but the spirit of the symposium sharing is captured in the highlights video below.
Please watch — and visit the Winter Term photo albums — to see all the amazing experiences and work Brooks students enjoyed this January!
Follow Brooks School on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to see all the activities, projects and happenings in our community each day during the school year.
Students in the "Environmental Artivism" Winter Term learned about the intersection of art and environmentalism, as well as printmaking, through visiting artist Pippin Frisbie-Calder.
Winter Terms Get Out of Town
Teachers take students off-campus, visiting museums, labs and landmarks, to bring them even deeper into their in-depth classes during this special term.
Finding Their Voices
Oratory students gave their final project speeches in Chapel and received a lasting skill: the gift of public speaking.