We are Brooks, Together!

Dear Families,

At Brooks we are fortunate to have a remarkably dedicated and supportive parent community. From volunteering at events and games to sharing professional experiences and connections, Brooks parents truly step up when called upon. The Brooks Together parent drive is one of these areas where we are incredibly grateful for our parent support. This drive is the parent focus within the overall Brooks Fund.

A vital aspect of our financial model, the Brooks Fund provides funds for every aspect of school. From faculty salaries and financial aid to classroom and facility needs, more than 10 percent of our operating budget comes from the Brooks Fund. This year, we are striving to raise $2.575 million for the 2024-2025 Brooks Fund and welcome our families to support the Brooks Fund via our Brooks Together parent drive. 

Last year, nearly 70 percent of our parents contributed close to $900,000 to the Brooks Together drive and therefore 38 percent of the overall Brooks Fund. Thank you! 

This schoolwide, annual initiative directly impacts the day-to-day experience of each of our students, faculty and staff.

Our goal for the year is to reach out to every family in the Brooks community to talk about your personal commitment to the Brooks Fund. Thank you for your consideration and support of Brooks!

Director of Family Engagement and Giving Mary Merrill, (978) 725-6287

The details

  • January 30 through March 7, 2025 (includes our February 6 Giving Day!)
  • The Brooks Fund provides more than 10 percent of the school’s operating budget. Brooks Together is the parent focus within the Brooks Fund.
  • Brooks Together represented 38 percent of the total raised last year: $871,000.
  • Essentially, 1 in 3 Brooks Fund dollars comes from a parent. YOU are key to our success.