Alumni Awards

The Brooks School Alumni Board honors a small number of alumni every year during Alumni Weekend. The school typically aims to honor alumni during their reunion years. To learn more and to submit your nomination, please view the awards' individual webpage. Or, please contact the alumni office with any questions.

2024 Alumni Award Winners

Alumni Award Winners 2024

During Alumni Weekend on May 11, 2024 Brooks School's Head of School John Packard presented this year's Distinguished Brooksian awards to Henry Lee '64 and Peter Nadosy '64, Alumni Shield taward o Daniela Schirmer Izzie '04 and Alumni Bowl award to Ginger Pearson '99 . Read more about this year's award winners in the Summer 2024 edition of the Brooks Bulletin.

Distinguished Brooksian Award

The Distinguished Brooksian award honors individuals whose life and contributions to society exemplify the nobility of character and usefulness to humanity embodied in the spirit of the school. Dr. Joseph Sherer '37 presented the first Distinguished Brooksian award to Frank Davis Ashburn on Prize Day, May 27, 1991.

Alumni Shield Award

The Alumni Shield award celebrates early achievement by a Brooks alumnus/a within 25 years of leaving Brooks. The concept of this award developed from the interest of the Alumni Board to recognize a member of the Brooks community who, through the devotion of his/her resources, has had significant accomplishments in the field of his/her endeavor.

Alumni Bowl Award

The Alumni Bowl is awarded to that member of the alumni community who has tirelessly and loyally supported the school through their thoughtful and exemplary service and dedication as a volunteer. Our school thrives today, due to the support and care of our alumni.

Brooks School Athletics Hall of Fame

The Brooks School Athletics Hall of Fame was established to honor those individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the quality and tradition of Brooks School athletics. Student athletes, coaches, managers, and administrators will all be eligible for selection into the Hall of Fame. Athletes and managers will first become eligible upon the fifth anniversary of the end of their final year at Brooks. Coaches and administrators will first become eligible upon their retirement from Brooks.