Learning Center

Paying close attention to students is at the heart of a Brooks education. At the Learning Center, our teachers and trained peer tutors do exactly that — help students do their best work and take their studying to the next level.

"We're here to help students think about thinking,” said Learning Specialist and math teacher Moira Goodman (on sabbatical). “The Learning Center is a space without a fixed academic profile. From straight-A students in AP courses to students who feel that their grades aren’t reflecting their efforts, we are able to help everyone make progress towards achieving their goals.”

The faculty-run academic resource center is conveniently located within the academic building on campus and offers innovative approaches to help students become more successful in all aspects of academic life including:

  • specific study strategies developed with faculty during an appointment
  • drop-ins for quick questions
  • developing an overall study plan
  • test preparation
  • quiet space to do homework during free periods
  • advice about time management to balance assignments with other time commitments
  • manage accommodations for qualifying students

The Learning Center is staffed every class day and three evenings per week.

Getting help early and often at the Learning Center helped me stay on top of my work. 

An integral component of the Learning Center’s model is collaboration between student, teacher, advisor and the Learning Center. The four groups keep their lines of communication open in an arrangement that the Learning Center staff describes as a multi-layered support system.

My time in the Learning Center helped me gain confidence and become a more successful student. 

Many students visit the Learning Center thanks to the encouragement of their teachers and advisors but the center can offer valuable assistance to every student.

Hours of Operation

The Learning Center is open six days a week during the academic day as well as in the evenings following the schedule below.

Evening Support
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 to 10 p.m.

Contact Information

Director of the Learning Center Karina Moltz, is available for consultation with students, faculty, and parents with concerns about learning patterns and academic progress.