World Languages
World Languages offerings at Brooks are divided into two programs: classical languages and world languages.
The Classics Department applies intellectual curiosity and reason to such questions as What defines heroism? What are the limits of power?
Students consider these issues in their own lives as they read and interpret at a deep level. Ultimately, the students actively participate in their own education, think and write analytically, and consider carefully the large issues of ancient and current culture.
The World Languages department develops linguistic and cross-cultural skills in Chinese, French and Spanish in order to prepare students for a global society. Courses are taught in the target language to best develop the four basic linguistic skills – aural comprehension, speaking, reading and writing. Advanced courses develop analytical skills for understanding literature, investigating current events and researching important issues in world culture. Many courses use the Brooks School Language Laboratory and incorporate technology into daily lessons. Above all, teachers and students work together to examine beliefs and practices and to develop an appreciation for cultures that differ from their own.
Brooks School has a three-year minimum language requirement for graduation. Students are encouraged to continue their language study beyond the third year. In some cases, students may take more than one language at a time with the approval of the academic dean and the department.
Students are encouraged to study abroad to further increase their linguistic and cultural knowledge. In particular, Brooks students may apply for School Year Abroad programs. Students interested in these exciting opportunities should discuss the programs with their current language teacher.