In teaching history, Brooks trains students to think for themselves. The role of a secondary school in a democratic republic is to prepare students for citizenship.
Students must know how to ask questions, seek answers, and communicate their findings. That is, they must be their own historians.
Students must know how to ask questions, seek answers, and communicate their findings. That is, they must be their own historians. Our curriculum is built on the notion of steadily increasing responsibility and skill so students can take charge of their own education. The History Department believes in the writing of research papers and encourages students to embark on independent study.
The sequence of required courses constitutes world history from late antiquity to the present. However, once students have demonstrated the ability to ask, seek, and communicate on a sophisticated level, they are encouraged to step up to the challenge of Advanced Placement courses or to explore another culture, preferably in a non-Western tradition.
Brooks History Department Teach Truth Pledge
First shared in Chapel on September 23, 2021
Recent attempts by politicians around the country to dictate what historical facts are taught and discussed in our classrooms are abhorrent to us. We aspire to teach the truth to our students by celebrating the nation’s accomplishments as well as recognizing its failures and challenges. The founding principles of the United States are admirable. That the country has not always lived up to them should not be hidden. Issues of race, gender, class, and other forms of identity must be acknowledged, included, and celebrated if we are to honestly engage with our past, inform our present, and better our future.
Our pledge to teach the truth applies to all our courses and all of our work at Brooks School.